Longest Chapter Psalms 119
Shortest Chapter Psalms 117
Longest Verse Esther 8:9
Shortest Verse John 11:35
Shortest Chapter Psalms 117
Longest Verse Esther 8:9
Shortest Verse John 11:35
Type Old Testament New Testament Total
Books 39 27 66
Chapters 929 260 1189
Verses 33,214 7,959 41173
Words 593,493 181,253 774,746
Letters 2,728,100 838,380 3,566,480
*The above table is taken from: Bruce M. Metzger & Michael D. Coogan (eds.), The Oxford Essential Guide to Ideas & Issues of the Bible, American Edition (New York: Berkley Books/Oxford University Press, 2001), p. 59.
Biblical Theology: 1. Old Testament and 2. New Testament
1. Old Testament Theology appeared sharply in the period of Enlightenment when modern view of historical development emerged.
2. The revival of biblical theology in the 1920s under the leadership of such theologians Karl Barth (Dogmatic Theology) and Walter Eichrodt (Old Testament Theology), challenged the view of theological liberalism, in which the relation between the Testaments was understood as a unilinear historical development from lower to higher stages of spiritual evolution.
3. The Swiss theologian Walter Eichrodt (ca. 1935) and German theologian Gerhard von Rad (ca. 1960) are the fathers of OT Theology.
[Above & below: “The Oxford Essential Guide to Ideas & Issues of the Bible, pp. 61-72]
Contents of Biblical Theology
A. Old Testament:
1. The Nature and Method of Old Testament Theology
2. The Relationship between God and People
3. Covenant History
4. Prophecy and Covenant
5. The Justice of God and the Problem of Evil
6. The Relation between the Testaments
B. New Testament:
1. The Doctrine of God (Theology)
2. The Earthly Jesus
3. The Person of Christ (Christology)
4. The Work of Christ (Soteriology)
5. The Holy Spirit (Pneumatology)
6. The Church (Ecclesiology)
7. Baptism
8. The Lord’s Supper
9. The Last Things (Eschatology)
10. The Nominative Character of New Testament Theology
In the Bible (In Scripture), the following have their significant meanings:
Woman sensible apprehension
Horse voice
Today the present age
Leaven teaching
Silver & trumpet word
Cloud holy ones
Feet the counsel by which we tread the journey of life
Well the teaching of the Bible
Linen chastity
Thighs beginning
Unmixed wine misfortune
Bottle body
Secret & Treasury the reason
[Source: R. P. C. Hanson, Allegory & Event: the study of the sources & significance of Origen’s interpretation of Scripture. London: John Knox Press, pp. 247-248.]
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