Tampi chim nakin tampi ttuan a ttha deuh

Friday, March 14, 2008

Short-Forms and Abbreviations

ad loc. ad locum ... (at the passage)
al alia ... (other witnesses)
bis ... twice
ca. ... approximately
cf. ... confer (compare)
e.g. ... exempli gratia (for example)
et. al. ... and other people
etc. ... and so forth
hiat ... is lacking (used of a passage in a fragmentary manuscript)
i.e. = id est ... (that is), in other words
sc. ... which means
s.v. = sub voce ... (under the word)
ter ... three times
v. ... consult
vid videtur ... (it seems; used to indicate that the reading is not certain, esp. in a damaged manuscript)
variant ... a different from of the same original word: a different reading, e.g. in a

vis-à-vis ... In comparison with, in relation to, in respect of, with regard to, reference to, concerning, about, with regard to

viz ... namely, [Abbr of vide licet]

de fac·to (adv) = in fact, whether with a legal right or not
(adj) = acting or existing in fact but without legal sanction

ex ca·the·dra (adj adv) = with the authority of status or rank (formal)

ex div·i·dend (adv adj) = without the right to the current dividend on purchase

ex gra·ti·a (adj adv) = given as a gift, favor, or gesture of goodwill, rather than because it is owed
ex li·bris (adv) = from the library of the person whose name follows (used on bookplates)

ex ni·hi·lo (adv adj) = from or out of nothing (formal )

ex of·fi·ci·o (adv adj) = as a result of the official position somebody holds

ex par·te (adj adv) = made or undertaken on behalf of only one of the parties involved in a court case
ex post fac·to (adj adv) = applying to events that have already occurred as well as to subsequent

per se ... as such, by itself, for itself, in isolation
per se (adv) in itself, by itself, or intrinsically (formal )

per an·num (adv) = in or for every year, or by the year

ex opere operato
1. is a Latin theological expression meaning literally "from the work having been worked" and with the specific meaning "by the very fact of the action's being performed." It refers to the idea that the sacraments work from the mere fact of having been administered, rather than from the status of the performer—that is, they actually confer grace when the sacramental sign is validly effected, not as the result of the good standing of the celebrant, or activity on the part of the recipient, but by the power and promise of God. [from Wikipedia]

2. vice versa (adv) = the other way around

vita / vitae = a brief account of somebody’s life

et seq.
1. and another following, especially the next page in a book. Full form et sequens Full form et sequentia
2. et seq. or et seqq. and others following, especially the next pages in a book. Full form et sequentia

sine qua non (n)
1. an essential condition or prerequisite [Encarta 2002]
2. An essential element or condition: "The perfect cake is the sine qua non of the carefully
planned modern wedding" (J.M. Hilary).


ACUCA = Association of Christian Universities & Colleges in Asia

Vox Naturae Vox Dei … The Voice of Nature is the Voice of God
Vox populi vox Dei … The voice of the people is the voice of God
Imago Dei … The Image of God
Missio Dei … The Mission of God


BCE = Before Common Era (or) Before Christian Era?
ACE = After Common Era (or) After Christian Era?

CAP = Cumulative Average Point
GAP = Grade Point Average


a/m = among
b/c = because
b/t = between
e = which
ē = with
ēout = without
u = you
r = are
u r = you are
4 = for/four
etc. = so and so forth
K/D of God = Kingdom of God

Ask not what your country can do for you:
Ask what you can do for your country
John F. Kenedy

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" [Mahatma Gandhi][CNN]

*Bigger value, stronger spin, higher speed, easier to control
[Words in 4 Stars table tennis racket]

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